Been so busy with Lil Bean lately! I just have ideas flowing faster than I can sew!
The last week has been quite interesting. I went to the Mother's Day Craft Sale at the Butterdome in Edmonton with a friend. Part of the time I wore the bean in our Lil Bean Wrap, and had so many people come up and ask me about it. Someone actually told me that I should have been wearing a sign on my back advertising. :) They can't help noticing, I know. I have the same thing every time I look at the bean. He's just so cute!
On another note, I've run out of fabric for the black Lil Bean Wrap, unfortunately. I'm hoping my supplier gets some more in soon, but I don't even have a date from them. In the meantime, I'm working on some blue wraps, as well as other items. I'll just introduce a few of em here.
I've started a line of onesies and tshirts for kids. The first I call
Rocket Science. I'm hoping to get a few more of them up in the next few weeks too.
The bean needed a small blanket to cuddle, as we were becoming worried about the way he pulled soft blankets up over his face. What I came up with for him was this
Star Lovey. Next I made a
Butterfly Lovey, and more funky and cute ideas are brewing. Today I did a
custom order of loveys for a customer which were somewhat simpler.
Nursing Covers:
A customer requested a nursing cover for her upcoming flight, so
this is what I made for her.
BabyBean Poncho:
I made the bean a
little poncho he could wear for the colder days in the Lil Bean Wrap. He also wears it other times, when we need something to put on him that's easier and faster than a sweater or jacket. It was a lot of fun to design. I plan to do some soon for girls as well.
So as you can see, lots of ideas and stuff that I need time to make more of! It's so much fun, especially when our little guy can try out the "prototypes" as daddy calls 'em.